Wednesday, 13 December 2017

TM Events January - July 2018

Group meditations are open to all who have been instructed in Transcendental Meditation with Maharishi Foundation.  If you have not been to the Glasgow TM Centre previously please call to register.  Arrive earlier to settle.
Events are free to those who have learned in the last six months otherwise a contribution of £10/5 is welcome.

Sunday 21 Group TM, World Religions & Higher States of Consciousness, 4-5.30pm
Thursday 25 Group TM & Knowledge, 7-8.30pm
Saturday 27 Burns Supper & entertainment, 6.30-9pm

Celebrate Summer Solstice with a Trip to Schiehallion

Summer Solstice at Schiehallion - Spiritual Centre of Scotland

Saturday 22 June 2019

We hope you, your friends and family can join us for our annual walk up Schiehallion and flag raising ceremony.  Our Summer solstice trips to Schiehallion, started in 2006 as a means of bringing everyone together from all over Scotland, for a picnic and group meditation.  The event has continued on ever since.  Schiehallion is close to the Brahmasthan (centre point) of Scotland.  These places have a special significance for the country.  The Brahmasthan embodies the heart values of the country.  So we will travel to the Brahmastahn and meditate there and enliven those qualities for the whole of the nation.

Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation 28-29 April 2018

Vedic Experts Mr and Mrs Pradhan from India are coming to Glasgow in April 2018.  All TM meditators are invited to come along to meet them.

Special talk - Unfolding Higher States of Consciousness  Friday 27 April 7-9pm
Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation Saturday 28- Sunday 29 April

Saturday, 9 December 2017

TM Course Dates January - July 2018

The first step in taking a course in TM is to come along to one our introductory talks.  These are free briefing sessions.  We hold them routinely on Wednesdays at 10.30am/2.30pm and 7pm but booking is essential.   While these sessions are a prerequisite to enrolling on a course there is no obligation to learn.   Please feel free to invite friends.

TM Course Dates:
Saturday 20 – Tuesday 23 January
Saturday 3 - Tuesday 6 February
Saturday 24 - Tuesday 27 February
Saturday 3 - Tuesday 6 March
Saturday 17 - Tuesday 20 March
Saturday 24 - Tuesday 27 March - Dundee
Friday 30 - Monday 2 April – Easter
Monday 2 - Thursday 5 April - Children’s Course
Saturday 14 - Tuesday 17 April
Tuesday 17 – Friday 20 April
Saturday 5 - Tuesday 8 May
Monday 7 - Thursday 10 May
Saturday 19 - Tuesday 22 May
Saturday 9 - Tuesday 12 June
Sunday 23 - Wednesday 26 June
Saturday 7 - Tuesday 10 July
Monday 23- Thursday 26 July

Friday, 27 October 2017

Global Group Meditation by Webinar

Tap into collective consciousness together!  56,000 Meditators from around the world participate in our Global Group Meditations by webinar. We hope you can join us to create a wave of peace and coherence in our world.

As part of these Global Group Meditations you can enjoy...

Group Checking of Transcendental Meditation 
Global Group Meditation
Special Guest Speakers

Monday, 14 August 2017

Maharishi Light Therapy & Maharishi Aroma Therapy

Introductory Workshop

Thurs 21 September 2017
£10 (free to those having a consultation)
open to the public

Maharishi Aroma and Light Therapy with Gems are Ayurvedic treatment modalities. Maharishi AyurVeda is respected as the oldest health care programme in the world.

The treatments are non-invasive, very refined and enliven the body’s own inner self-healing mechanism to maintain body, mind and emotions in health and harmony.

During the workshops we will go deeply into the value of the treatments and how they were developed. There will be a chance to experience a few gemstone beamers and essential oils. There will be information on how to use the oils in the daily routine, for the most common ailments and in cosmetics.

Ninth European Group Meditation Saturday 30th Sept 2017

Glasgow TM Centre

Saturday 30 September 2017 4-6pm

Group meditation starts at 16:00 followed by guest speaker Dr Eike Hartmann - Chief Architect of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda.

Groups from 40+ European countries & Africa will be connected by video conference for a large group meditation followed by guest speaker Dr Eike Hartmann.  There will be over 1000+ meditating at one time.

Lets create a wave of peace in the world

Maharishi AyurVeda Health Talk & Consultation 26-28 Oct 2017

Dr Donn Brennan will talk on:

How to increase Energy Levels.

Thursday 26  October 7pm

Would you like to wake up feel bright and cheery?  Imagine being full of vim and vigour in the afternoon!  And getting a deep restful sleep every night!  Dr Donn Brennan will impart gems of wisdom from Maharishi Ayurveda, the oldest tradition of healthcare in the world.  Discover your own unique body type, how to bring balance through diet, routine, self-massage and herbs.  Over thousands of years Ayurveda has developed a whole science for the creation of Rasayans (tonics).  They are exceptionally potent and enliven the inner intelligence of body and mind.  Come and find out what is helpful for your bones, teeth, muscles, heart and mind.  Learn about other Ayurvedic strategies such as panchakarma detox massage procedures  to increase health and vitality.

£10 (free to those having a consultation).

Personal Health Consultations also available.

Join him in Glasgow 26-28th and Edinburgh 29 -30th October. 

TM Events Aug - Dec 2017

Group meditations are open to all who have been instructed in Transcendental Meditation with Maharishi Foundation.  If you have not been to the Glasgow TM Centre previously please call to register.  Arrive earlier to settle.
Events are free to those who have learned in the last six months otherwise a contribution of £10/5 is welcome.

Tuesday 8 Lunchtime TM, 12 Noon
Thursday 10 Yoga Asana, Pranayama & TM, 7-8.30pm
Thursday 24 Group TM & Knowledge, 7-8.30pm 

Tuesday 5 Lunchtime TM, 12 Noon 
Thursday 7 Yoga Asana, Pranayama & TM, 7-8.30pm 
Saturday 9 Coherence Day, 10am-5pm see more
Sunday 17 Group TM & Advanced Knowledge, 4-5.30pm
Thursday 21 Group TM & Special Guest on Veda Aroma & Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems (MLG), 7-8.30pm see more
Thursday 21 - Saturday 23rd Consultations in Veda Aroma & MLG see more
Saturday 30 Europe Group TM, 4-6pm see more

Friday, 30 June 2017

TM Course Dates Aug - Dec 2017

The first step in taking a course in TM is to come along to one our introductory talks.  These are free briefing sessions.  We hold them routinely on Wednesdays at 2.30pm and 7pm but booking is essential.   While these sessions are a prerequisite to enrolling on a course there is no obligation to learn.   Please feel free to invite friends.

TM Course Dates:

Saturday 5 – Tuesday 8 August
Saturday 19 - Tuesday 22 August
Saturday 2 - Tuesday 5 September
Saturday 16 - Tuesday 19 September
Saturday 30 - Tuesday 3 October
Sunday 22 - Wednesday 25 October tbc
Saturday 4 - Tuesday 7 November
Saturday 11 - Tuesday 14 November
Saturday 11 - Tuesday 14 November Dundee
Monday 20 - Thursday 24 November
Saturday 2 - Tuesday 5 December
Saturday 9 - Tuesday 12 December tbc
Saturday 16 - Tuesday 19 December
Wednesday 27 - Saturday 30 December

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Sixth European Group Meditation Sat 29 April 15:30

Saturday 29 April 15:30-18:00 
Glasgow TM Centre
Dundee (Invercarse Hotel)

Professor of computer mathematics 
The role of science for meditators and the role of meditation for scientists

We will connect our group meditation with the large European-wide groups live through video conference.  TM Groups in Africa will also join.  Over 1000+ meditators expected.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

TM Weekend Residence Courses in Scotland 2017

Forest Lodge - Blair Atholl
17-19 November

These courses (sometimes called retreats) follow a tried and tested programme designed by Maharishi to give us the deepest possible rest in the shortest time. Good company, extra knowledge, deeper experiences in meditation, mountain air.

Monday, 20 March 2017

TM Residence Course 22-29 July 2017 in Suffolk

Join the Scottish group on a trip to the Maharishi Peace Palace in Rendlesham 22 - 29 July with Richard Johnson and Angela Landers.   Enjoy a deeply restful and enlightening course in this superb building constructed according to 'Maharishi Vastu' design - the ancient principles of Vedic Architecture. As soon as you step into the building the wonderful atmosphere is tangible, creating the perfect environment to enjoy deeper experience and understanding of Transcendence and higher states of consciousness.

TM Residential Course on Inishraher, Maharishi Island of World Peace

TM Residential Course on Inishraher

Maharishi Island of World Peace, Ireland

 14th - 20th October 2017

Join the group going from Scotland for an experience of deep rest, serenity and bliss.