Tuesday, 23 July 2019

TM Events August - December 2019

Group meditations are open to all who have been instructed in Transcendental Meditation with Maharishi Foundation.  If you have not been to the Glasgow TM Centre previously please call to register on 07811 144 674 or 0141 221 6333.  Arrive earlier to events to settle.
Events are free to those who have learned in the last six months otherwise a contribution of £10/5 is welcome.

Tuesday 6 Lunchtime TM, 12 Noon
Thursday 8 Group TM & Guest Speakers – John & Annie Renwick on Maharishi Vedic Architecture, 7-9pm
Sunday 18 UK-wide on-line TM, 5pm (log-n details will be emailed)
Thursday 22 Group TM and Q&A on Advanced Techniques of TM, 7-8.30pm

Friday, 12 July 2019

TM Course Dates August - December 2019

Saturday 3 – Tuesday 6 August
Saturday 17 - Tuesday 20 August
Monday 26 - Thursday 29 August
Saturday 31 - Tuesday 3 September
Monday 2 - Thursday 5 September
Saturday 21 - Tuesday 24 September
Saturday 5 - Tuesday 8 October
Saturday 26 - Tuesday 29 October
Saturday 9 - Tuesday 12 November

Monday 11 - Thursday 14 November
Saturday 23 - Tuesday 26 November
Saturday 7 - Tuesday 10 December
Saturday 14 - Tuesday 17 December
Friday 27 - Monday 30 December

To book into a course email or call Angela on 07811 144 674.  Before booking on a course it is advisable to book in for an Introductory Talk.

See course times and other details