Wednesday, 11 September 2013


I completed my TM course with Angela Landers in Dundee just a few weeks ago and already the difference I feel is amazing. I suffer from high blood pressure brought on by stress- I was feeling very anxious and jittery. In fact I’d got to the stage where fear was holding me back and making life very difficult. I'm a mature student, hoping for a career change, but instead of being confident in my abilities I found myself getting anxious about the smallest things. Within a week, my blood pressure had reduced dramatically and the knot of fear that was ever-present had dissolved. After three weeks, other people were becoming aware of the new improved me! Public speaking has always been traumatic for me, but in the last few weeks I've been giving presentations, performing poetry (with a microphone, on stage!) and actually volunteering for such things without a flicker of anxiety! One of my fellow students said to me the other day. ‘You’re always so calm, and you make the rest of us feel calm’, which is really what TM is all about. It’s good for you and it’s good for other people!

Sandra, 3 Dec 2013 - Student

I have been practicing twice daily meditation for over 10 weeks now.  I can not stress enough the importance of transcendental deep meditation, for me it has opened another dimension to my life.  I did not realise how stressed and  how distorted my reality was, constant incessant thoughts, negative repetitive thought patterns, basically I was constantly in my head.  I had this unease always at the back of me, lost in the illusion and delusion of external sense gratification.  This is a distortion, true happiness is within, now with direct experience I am living it in the eternal now. Thank you Maharishi Mahesh yogi and Angela Landers;( TM Instructor) for setting me free.

Sandy, 25 Dec 2013 - Carnoustie

I am a woman in my 81st year and began Transcendental Meditation in March 2013. I have no regrets in doing this because my life has changed dramatically (for the better).  I was so depressed and nervous before but now I am very peaceful and content with everything.  Serenity should be my middle name.  I urge anyone who is thinking of doing this TM course to go ahead as you will benefit from this, I am living proof.  It is so simple to do and I do it religiously twice daily and will continue to do so until the end of my days.  Again I urge anyone who is thinking about doing this to DO SO NOW.

Amy, 19 May 2013 - Dundee

After years of suffering from depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder I was in a dark place.
I discovered TM and now three months later my world is again a bright place with depression gone, anxiety greatly reduced and obsessive compulsive disorder improving daily.
Eileen, 23 April 2013 - Retired

Just completed my 4 day TM course from Angela at Glasgow TM centre and thought I'd give an update of my last few days’ progress since completing. I'm pleasantly surprised that after a hectic schedule of travelling and presentations (work related) that by doing the 2 meditations per day as instructed that I've managed to take on a far better perspective on life, improved my thought process and my energy levels have lifted in a short space of time - even managed to squeeze a visit to the gym in at 6am this morning before work which would have been a definite NO a week or so ago.  I'm loving this new "Energy Find"  I do recommend you try it.
Michael Connelly, 28 February 2013 - Business man

I learned TM from Angela Landers at the Glasgow TM centre. I have been astonished as to how immediate the effects have been. I am amazed at how this simple mental technique can leave you feeling profoundly rested. I feel calmer, more energetic, more focused and happier after I come out of my TM session. I lead a team of analysts for a large multi-national company and we deal with a variety of different projects across a number of different industry sectors and language barriers. Since starting TM the stress has reduced and the work has become more enjoyable.

Initially I approached TM as a kind of health insurance, which for me it is, but now 5 weeks or so into the practice I believe I have been given a gift. I have a technique I can use for the rest of my life that I can use anywhere or anytime to help me enjoy and get more out of life. As we shift from industrial age into the knowledge age we need tools and techniques to help us survive and thrive in the 21st century. I believe TM is one such tool. So thanks again Angela for giving me such a wonderful gift.
John Gray, 26 February 2013 - Business Analyst

I learned about TM from Angela Landers and was trained in it by William Marriot at the TM Centre in Glasgow. It is a simple and natural process that helps you bring mind and body to a state of restful alertness. I have found it immeasurably helpful in managing my energy levels and general health - regular meditation is a great way to switch between work and the rest of your life.

I have no doubt that TM can be great for anyone in business as a means of helping them manage the everyday pressures and demands of business and reminding them that they have a life outside of it!  I can't recommend Angela and William highly enough...
Mark Taylor, 4 September 2012 - Business consultant

As manager of an addiction service, I confirm that my staff recently engaged in the above training. The training was mainly delivered in a group setting which by no means detracted from the personal individual tuition but aided the learning and understanding of the technique. Both the course and the follow on sessions were and continue to be delivered in a highly professional manner.

The benefits to both my team and myself have been noticeable from our first session, with even the sceptic amongst us reporting a decrease in personal stress and anxiety. The changes have been notable in areas of our performance with an increase in focus while working through tasks an area which previously contributed to increased stress levels. The atmosphere within the office is of calmness which has been commented on by individuals who use our service. All staff inclusive of myself have noticed a general improvement in our general wellbeing both in our personal and professional life’s.

I highly recommend Transcendental Meditation Training to all.
May McLaughlin, 17 October 2012

"I find that Transcendental Meditation is very good for creativity. Since learning it I feel it has helped to settle my mind down, so that I am more focused and readily able to access and develop the ideas that lie within."   Robin Gray, 2011 - Film industry

“When I began practising TM I would hear these wonderful things like it will increase my creativity and make life more natural and enjoyable. One of the biggest things I have got from TM is that I no longer think or suspect these things are true, I "know" them and "am" them - and this is a great thing”. 
Jonathan P Gibbins, 2011 - Film maker

“The most noticeable advantage for me since I started TM has been the remarkable change in my sleep pattern. I sleep in a totally different way than I’ve ever known. It’s now a deep deep sleep. After my meditation I feel totally refreshed and calmer and then things happen easily. The strange thing is, I wasn’t even looking for this. It just happened. 
Greta Martin, 2011 - Retired

"Since undertaking the TM programme I have had a calmer and more balanced approach to all pupils in classes.  I have more tolerance with challenging pupils and have not issued a punishment exercise in a year!  Instead, I've become more self-disciplined."
Eileen Parr, 2011 - School teacher

"The practice has produced significant benefits.  I feel calmer, more creative and less anxious.  I show greater patience in situations where I previously might have reacted more angrily."
Brian Gibson, 2011 - School teacher

"I have been meditating now for about six months.  I have found that it has definitely helped me particularly in the mornings, giving me more energy and higher concentration levels.  It has also helped me to deal with stress a lot better and in turn I believe it has helped in my relationships with other people both professionally and personally."
Mark Renny, 2011 - school teacher

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