Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation®

"The purpose of Advanced Techniques is to take the experience to another, higher level. Advanced Techniques are like fertilisers; fertilisers bring better fruit to every tree. To enjoy great achievement and fulfilment in life, take advantage of this beautiful programme of Advanced Techniques to enrich the development of higher states of consciousness." – Maharishi

What are Advanced Techniques?

Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation enhance and enrich the benefits of daily practice of Transcendental Meditation, hastening the growth to enlightenment.

Through the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation the mind becomes familiar with the experience of 'pure consciousness', the simplest, least excited state of consciousness from where all thoughts arise.

Through Advanced Techniques, we deepen our experience of pure consciousness and enhance our ability to experience finer levels of thought – to develop finer perception while becoming more familiar with the experience of our own, silent Self. As our conscious mind becomes more infused with this pure field of consciousness and our perception becomes more enriched, our thoughts and actions spontaneously become more powerful and effective, resulting in greater fulfilment of desires in daily life.

Who can learn Advanced Techniques?

All those who have been practising Transcendental Meditation or an Advanced Technique regularly for a minimum of two months, may apply for instruction in an Advanced Technique. The recommended duration of regular practice between one Advanced Technique and the next is four months, but two months is adequate if the experiences are good and the course is only available at that time. If there are any questions, please apply anyway and the Advanced Technique Teacher will advise what is the appropriate next step for you.

Pre-requisite for TM-Sidhi Programme

Completion of the series of four Advanced Techniques is a pre-requisite for learning the TM-Sidhi Programme; but even if you do not intend to learn the TM-Sidhi Programme, the Advanced Techniques will enhance your evolution. Once learned, they continue to have a profound effect on your meditation and your activity for the rest of your life.

What is the structure of the course?

The Advanced Technique course includes preparatory and orientation meetings, personal instruction, verification of experiences and a follow-up meeting after 10 days which can be taken at any TM Centre.

Enlightenment magazine article

You may like to read a recent article from the online Enlightenment magazine.  Read

Course Fees

Please note:
The course fees for the advanced programmes are marginally higher than for Transcendental Meditation, because there are additional costs involved. The Maharishi Vedic Experts who teach these programmes come specially from India and are accommodated in Great Britain while they are teaching. In addition, a portion of the payment goes to support initiatives to create world peace through the application of Maharishi's programmes. However, you can spread the cost of these programmes: please see details below.

Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation Fees

£640 standard fee
£960 for married couples
£390 for full-time students with a student card
£190 for full-time students aged 13-18
A concessionary rate is available for those on a low income; please enquire from your local Teacher.

All fees can be paid in four instalments over four months.


Mr and Mrs Pradhan, Maharishi Vedic Experts from India will be in the UK until May 2014 and will be offering Advanced Techniques at:

Glasgow TM Centre
26-27 April 2014
Tel: 0141 221 6333
Email: glasgow.uk@tm.org


  1. Thank you for sharing such great information.It is informative, can you help me in finding out more detail on Meditation Tips
    ,i am interested and would like to know more about this field and wanted to understand the details about Guided Meditation

  2. Hi Devika, The best thing to do is to go along for an Introductory talk on Transcendental Meditation. That will help increase your understanding of transcending and how meditations are different in how they work and the benefits they give. Here's the UK TM website http://uk.tm.org/. From there you can find the TM Centre in the country nearest to you. Best wishes for a great leap forward in your evolution.
